Section 10 Politics Science Sharing Power 10 Notes on Social Science

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Section 10 Politics Science Sharing Power 10 Notes on Social Science

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CBSE Class 10 Notes Review Political Science Chapter 1 Power Sharing
With this chapter, we also continue the democratic journey we started last year.
The wise sharing of power between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary is crucial to the building of democracy.
We start with two stories from Belgium and Sri Lanka.

Both issues are about how democracies handle power-sharing demands.
Belgium and Sri Lanka:

Belgium is a small country in Europe.
It has borders with the Netherlands, France and Germany.

59% in the Flemish region speak Dutch.
Another 40% of the people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
The remaining 1% of the Belgians speak German.

And the capital of Brussels, 80% of the population speak French and 20% speak Dutch.

The small French-speaking community was rich and powerful.

This is exasperated by the Dutch-speaking community who received immediate benefits from economic development and education.

Tensions between the two communities were intense in Brussels.

Like other countries in the southern Asian region, Sri Lanka has a diverse population.
Sinhala speakers make up 74% and Tamil speakers 18%

For the Tamils, there are two sub-groups, the native Tamils of the country are called “Sri Lankan Tamils”; all of their ancestors who came from India as colonial workers during the colonial era, were called 'Indian Tamils'.

Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka:
Sri Lankan emerged as an independent country in 1948.

The leaders of the Sinhala community want to secure the rule of government in their own right.
In 1956, a law on seeing Sinhala as the official language, thus defied Tamil.
The new constitution stated that the government would protect and promote Buddhism.

All of these upcoming initiatives, coming in their own order, gradually increase the sense of isolation among the Sri Lankan Tamils.

As a result, the relationship between communities yamaSinhala nabaseTamil decreased over time.

The Sri Lankan Tamils presented parties and struggles.

But their need for more independence in the Tamils-dominated provinces was repeatedly challenged.

Mistrust between the two communities led to a conflict abstractly. It soon turned into a CIVIL WAR.

Civil war has caused a resurgence in the social, cultural and economic life of the country.

Accommodation in Belgium:
Belgium recognized the presence of regional differences and cultural differences.

Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four times to formulate a plan that would enable everyone to live together in one country.

Here are some of the features of the model yaseBelgian:

a. The Constitution stipulates that the number of Dutch and French ministers will be equal in the central government.

b. Much of the power of the central government is vested in the governments of the two provinces.

c. Brussels divide the state where both communities equally occupied representatives.

d. Apart from the state and federal government, there is a third kind of government. This is a public government.
In Belgium, the leaders have seen that the unity of the land is possible only by respecting the feelings and interests of the different communities and regions.
Sri Lanka shows us a different example. It shows us that if most people want to impose their rule over others and refuse to share power, they can undermine the unity of the world.

Why is power sharing desirable?
Thus, there are two different reasons that can be given instead of power sharing.
First, the distribution of power is good because it helps reduce the likelihood of conflict between social groups.

There is a second, deeper reason why sharing power is good for democracy. The distribution of power is in the spirit of democracy. Democracy law involves the sharing of power with those who are affected by its function, and which must live with its consequences.

Let's call the first set of reasons PRUDENTIAL and the second most moral.
While practical reasons emphasize that power-sharing will produce better results, ethical reasons emphasize this power-sharing action as important.

Types of power sharing:
The idea of power-sharing has come into conflict with ideas of unequal political power.
For a long time, it was believed that all the power of the state should rest in one person or group of people located in one place.
Another basic principle of sharing power is that people are the source of all political power.
In a good democracy, due respect is given to different groups and ideas in society.
Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public politics.
It follows, therefore, that democracy must be distributed to as many citizens as possible.
Let's take a look at some general arrangements we have or will fall into.
Power is shared across different spheres of government, such as the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. Let's call this horizontal power distribution because it allows different spheres of government that are at the same level to use different power.
Power can be shared between governments at different levels - the national and national government at provincial or regional level. The division of the upper and lower levels of government is called the division of power.
Power can also be shared between different social groups, such as religious and linguistic groups. 'Public government' is a good example of this arrangement.
The organizing of power sharing can also be seen in the way political parties, dictatorships and movements control or influence those in power.
CBSE Class 10 Exam Notes and highlights
Political Science Classroom-10 Notes. CBSE's quick revision note for Class-10 Social Science, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and other subjects greatly helps to review the entire syllabus during exam days. The review notes cover all the important methods and thoughts given in the chapter. Even if you wish to have a chapter review, quick review notes here will do it for you. These notes will definitely save your time on stressful test days.
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